Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wrestling an octopus while negotiating with terrorists

Friday morning was the usual chaos in our house. Hubby was leaving with our oldest (7) to take him to day camp. I was wrestling baby (11 mos) into pants while my daughter (3) was attempting to take control of the house. I suddenly had a clear picture of what my daily life is like as a working mother; it is like wrestling an octopus while simultaneously negotiating with terrorists.

Each day begins this way while I try to push aside the guilt of leaving my children in the care of others while I go off to work. Working is not just the necessity of the income, but I've come to realize that I need it for my sanity as well. The noise level in a small house with three young kids is difficult to imagine unless you have experienced it. It's quite different from the quiet calm of my office.

I must sat that if I have to work, at least there are some good aspects to it. I am very blessed to have great childcare. I am also very blessed to have a job that I love that is making a positive impact on the world. The people at work appreciate me and my children appreciate me when we all arrive at home in the evening.

Of course, evening welcomes another burst of chaos as my husband and I jump into playing with the kids, catching up on what everyone did that day, getting everyone fed, bathed and in bed. We are thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day but are ready to welcome the chaos the next morning. With three children who like to wake before dawn, there isn't much time before chaos reigns again.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What's in a name?

I'm sure you're wondering about the name of this blog. Well, it all has to do with the motto I now live by. With three kids, two cats, two fish and two working parents there's not much time to care for additional living creatures in our home.

When my kids ask "Can I have a dog?" - the answer is "No. Nothing else that poops." When anyone asks if we are going to have more children - the answer is "No. Nothing else that poops." It's easy to say and it ends all conversation about more pets or more babies. It may even get a laugh. Don't get me wrong, I love the chaos that is my life. I've just decided that in order to keep a tiny bit of sanity I need to put my foot down.

And thus begins my entry into the blogging world...